
Electronic Navigation Charts (ENCs) training programme and certificate awarding ceremony

United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) organized an Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) training programme and certificate awarding ceremony at Light House Galley restaurant, Colombo 01. The training programme was offered by the UKHO as a part of their contribution towards the capacity building in the field of Hydrography in Sri Lanka. This programme was conducted from 02nd to 12th October 2023 with the participation of 15 naval personnel from Sri Lanka Navy Hydrographic Service (SLNHS), 03 personnel from National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA) and 02 personnel from Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA).

The lectures were conducted by professional instructors from the UKHO Mr. Jeremy Kitcher, Mr. Michael Davis and Mr. Chris Booth. At the opening ceremony, Captain EMA Bandara, Director Hydrographic Operations conducted welcome speech while briefing the importance of Electronic Navigation Charts in present day context and expressed gratitude to the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office for their continued support in developing Hydrography in Sri Lanka. While addressing course participants Chief Hydrographer of the Sri Lanka Navy and Naval Assistant to the Commander of the Navy Commodore Kosala Warnakulasuriya emphasised the importance of the programme in Sri Lanka's expansion in hydrography field. 

During the training practical exposure to usage of S 57 and S 100 was given in physical and VTC mode with the participation of resource personnel from UKHO. After successfully culmination of the training programme, all the trainees were awarded with a certificate from UKHO and the delegates highly appreciated the commitment and dedication of Sri Lanka towards hydrography field.