World Hydrographic Day Celebration - 2024

The ‘World Hydrography Day’ is celebrated annually on 21st June each year to raise awareness about the importance of hydrography in today's world. In 2024 celebration themed “Hydrographic Information: Enhancing Safety, Efficiency, and Sustainability in Marine Activities," and it underscored the crucial role of hydrographic information in maritime activities. Sri Lanka marked the national-level celebration of World Hydrography Day 2024 (WHD-2024) on 28th June 2024 with a significant event organized by the Sri Lanka Navy Hydrographic Service on behalf of the Sri Lanka National Hydrographic Office at the Wave n’ Lake Navy Hall, Welisara.

Hon. Premitha Bandara Tennakoon, the State Minister of Defence, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest, and the Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera as the Guest of Honour, following an invitation extended by the Chief Hydrographer of the Sri Lanka Navy Hydrographic Service, Rear Admiral Kosala Warnakulasooriya.

Addressing the gathering, Hon. Premitha Bandara Tennakoon emphasized the importance of Hydrography for the country and congratulate for the recent successes achieved in the field of Hydrography in Sri Lanka.

During welcome speech, Rear Admiral Kosala Warnakulasooriya highlighted the achievements and ongoing developments of the Hydrographic Service in country. He emphasized the significance of hydrography in enhancing safety and efficiency of maritime activities, thus intimating the required dedication and hard work of the service. Theme of the World Hydrographic Day 2024 was elaborated by Senior Hydrographer Commander (H) Mangala Karunarathne to the audience.

Chairman of the National Hydrographic Council, Rear Admiral Sisira Jayakody (Retd), Prof. Manisha Pasqual from Faculty of Art University of Colombo, and former the Chief Hydrographer of the Sri Lanka Navy and Chief of Staff, Rear Admiral YN Jayarathne (Retd) also delivered speeches relevant to the discipline of Hydrography and current geopolitical drives in the South Asia.

The ceremony was attended by an array of distinguished higher level audience representing the Chairman & Members of the National Hydrographic Council (NHC), Defense Advisers, and Attachés of friendly nations based in Colombo, Academic staff and students from the University of Colombo, the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU), the Ocean University, the Colombo International Nautical and Engineering College (CINEC) Maritime Academy and the Harbour Master of the Colombo Harbour and staff from the Sri Lanka Port Authority.

The celebration of World Hydrography Day was a testament to Sri Lanka's commitment in improving maritime safety, efficiency, and sustainability through robust hydrographic practices.