As per the directives given by the State Minister, Ministry of Defence Hon. Pramitha Bandara Tennakoon, the Officers of Sri Lanka Navy Hydrographic Services headed by Joint Chief Hydrographer to the Government of Sri Lanka and the Chief Hydrographer of the Navy had a cordial discussion with the Chief of Staff to the His Excellency President and Senior advisor to the President on National security Hon. Sagala Rathnayake at President Secretariat on 25th November 2022. The State Minister, Ministry of Defence Hon. Pramitha Bandara Tennakoon, also participated for the discussion.
The aim of the meeting was to discuss existing matters related to the maritime Defence of Sri Lanka and the effects of Hydrography on it. Chief of Staff to the HE President admired the SLNHS contribution towards the National security of the country.
At the end of the discussion the Joint Chief Hydrographer to the Government of Sri Lanka and the Chief Hydrographer of the Navy Rear Admiral Prasad Kariapperuma presented his book “A view from the International Maritime Boundary Line. India – Sri Lanka”, to the Chief of Staff to the HE President and the State Minister, Ministry of Defence.